My coding journey so far...

My coding journey so far...

has been full of coding, javascript, react, pain, frustration, love & hope


4 min read

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  • Journey Begins At the inception of my journey into the tech world, I was only motivated by the tales of amazing financial rewards that the tech industry offers. As I have mentioned in the previous blog I boarded this train a few months back from a non-tech background.

  • Developing Interest

i-am_nah--S4OsO0c6Ts-unsplash.jpg Though money was the prime mover for obliging me to learn to code. But I must confess now, the more time I'm spending on coding the more I'm developing an appetite for it. Every day it teaches me something new, and these new things then somehow redirect me to the further new and amazing concepts.

  • What I have learned so far? kevin-canlas-QYHehJ9Iovs-unsplash.jpg

Its been over six months of learning, and in this time span time has been there when I detached myself from it for a considerable time. But it's been more than two months since I regularly and intensively invested myself in learning. Here is the small list of topics of JavaScript, React JS that I have learned so far;

- strings ( includes methods for its manipulation too like reverse, split, join)
- objects: 
- arrays
- the type of functions
- event handling such as onClick, onChange, onSubmit
- calling API using (fetch, Axios)
- React hooks such as useState, useReducer, useEffect, useContext
- Methods such as map, filter, reduce, findIndex, find, splice and others.
- API calls; get, post, put, and delete
- to use github, and its functionality
- use of terminal
- became friends with code editors VSCode, code sandbox and codepen
- to use chrome dev tools and react dev tools
- the use of chrome console in debugging
- find the content / refer to documents on sites like mdn, stackOverflow
- to deploy sites on platforms like netlify
- there are plentiful topics that I failed to recall at the moment.
  • How am I feeling?

towfiqu-barbhuiya-Cu1UQPMURcU-unsplash.jpg Well, I have done a number of small projects and built a component library from scratch, 3 large projects are on the way. Now, I have started problem-solving, when I see a website, I saw it from a new perspective, I try to look at each component it has and imagines what could have been done with the code. So, cutting it short I'm feeling confident more than ever, hopeful for a better and well-paid tomorrow, and eager to learn more. I'm learning to schedule my things, thinking more about time management, and trying not to break the consistency. I have planned the next two months for finishing my projects, mastering the concept employed in these projects, through revision by problem-solving, and getting a job in July. This is how I'm feeling now, lets what happens!!!

What happens often! chris-barker-f0Yux_w5XRw-unsplash.jpg Often there comes a time when I feel frustrated, full of anger and anxiousness. Especially all this happens when I am stuck on a problem, fail to debug a code, lost control over my designed syllabus, and am trapped in the content of the ocean available on every major platform. So, it really makes me crazy, sometimes I smash on my table, and push away my keyboard, shut down my system out of a sudden without closing any opened files, windows, or applications.But it comes with dusk and disappears by the dawn. Thereafter, I try again, and again to look for solving the problem. Every time whether the problem is small or big gets resolved; sometimes in small times but in some cases, it took longer; but in most cases, it gets resolved.
Therefore, the energy comes from the inside, and inspiration from learning reflects in the small and big projects I have done. Every problem I solved gave me tremendous happiness, a smile on my face, confidence to go ahead, and curiosity to unravel the unending ocean which is called the tech world and this is how I move forward.

ahmed-hasan-Lvon5hPT818-unsplash.jpg There is dawn after every dusk

Note-1: this blog has been written purely to improve my writing skills, and to connect with people who are at this phase or have been. Note-2: all pictures have been used from Love I thanks full of love and respect if you are here. Please, feel free to connect, I would love to do that. Let's connect on Twitter